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Would you like to feel free to be you?  I know I did.

To Help My Business Grow

When I started to get my business off the ground, I started to working with a couple of coaches, the lovely Ann Brown ( , helped do Research Calls to enable me to learn about my ideal client at a much deeper level. 

And around the same time, I started work with the intuitive, skilled Business Mentor, Catherine Watkin to help my business grow and develop, I realized just how much of a challenge it was for me.  Even though there was so much expert advice and support available, I felt stuck and unable to follow anyone's advice. 

And even though I had started training in 2009, improved my self-esteem and developed my skills to successfully facilitate my clients in bringing about transformational change in their lives, feeling comfortable sharing my message, getting out there networking and speaking in public about my passion to build my business was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. 

I still felt so uncomfortable, so small and insignificant. 

I had a skill and I wanted to help others transform their lives with that skill so how was I ever going to grow my business if I felt uncomfortable being visible to others?  How was I ever going to inspire others to work with me towards their goals, if I couldn’t feel comfortable in my own skin, speaking with confidence and sharing my passion with others?!  What a dilemma! 

Continuing my journey

So I continued with my self empowering inner work and also signed up with an experienced Expert Speaking Coach, the fabulously talented, Aly Harrold ( ).  When I first stood up to speak I could barely last a minute before I sat down, too embarrassed to continue.  

Along this journey, I realized that there were many other talented business women who also had a similar challenge.  They also had a passion, a skill that they wanted to bring to the public in order to help others and also felt extremely out of their comfort zone in doing so. 


That’s when the penny dropped. 

I needed to help women who needed my help to rediscover their power within.  To help them feel comfortable in their own skin to spread their message, their passion for helping others.  My work would not only help these women to feel free to be their own authentic selves, they, in turn would help others as well.  A win-win situation!  Working through my self-empowering inner work, enabled me to handle the challenges of working on my business with both my Business Mentoring and Speaker Coaching, and I found my true path.  


Success at Last!

Seven months later, after doing my self-healing around feeling comfortable being visible in front of others, in addition to working with the both the Business Mentor and Speaker Coach, I was able to stand up in front of 80 people and felt comfortable in my own skin as I gave a brief five minute testimonial.  Success at last!  


And that's why I now work with successful business women who want to rediscover and regain their inner power; free to be themselves, their authentic self, sharing their passion, and their skill with the world.  Empowering them to get their message out there in order to help the world become a better place to live. 

... And, having worked with a number of women, my success speaks for itself:

I came to Lorraine and signed up for her Programme to help me release my fears that were holding me back from being able to speak in public about my passion. I cannot tell you how Lorraine literally changed my life! I used to be a shy, quiet speaker who couldn’t look people in the eye because I was so nervous. Now I am standing up boldly in front of people and talking passionately in front of groups. I’ve also been on BBC Radio Kent with Dominic King and Rachel Mackley. They’ve even invited me back! This is all within the four months of working with Lorraine.

Lorraine has a way of making you feel relaxed and has various techniques that release you from the past and from the old, negative conditioning that does not serve you. She holds space for you and understands that you have to be gentle with yourself to move forward. I don’t know where I’d be without Lorraine’s amazing knowledge, skill and support to get me to be the best and most authentic me. She has helped me experience my life without the barriers that held me back from true happiness and satisfaction with my speaking. I am now living my life to the full. I cannot recommend Lorraine highly enough.

You deserve to be happy and live the life you have always wanted. Lorraine can get you to that place, and now I’m not looking back. ERH, Kent, UK

Lorraine’s work is nothing short of amazing. It is very gentle and subtle and yet profound in its immediate effects. She helps you to access the root origin of incidents in your early life which are responsible for activating behaviour patterns that hold you back and prevent you from being the best you can be. When I began this work with Lorraine, I had no idea how it would work or what the effects might be. This work has left me feeling, so much lighter and happier and it has stopped me from procrastinating and avoiding doing certain things in my life. It seems before this work I would be happy to hold onto the anxiety and just avoid an event or doing a certain thing and yet I never understood what stood in the way or held me back.  Now I feel very different, positive and willing to embrace areas of my life with enthusiasm and positivity. 

We worked together initially for two days in retreat and have since done more work via Skype sessions which is very convenient.


I recommend Lorraine’s work for anyone who may be aware they are living a life of limitation and less than their potential.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  AH Kent UK

Complimentary Offer

If you would like to get to know me a bit better before we chat to find out if I can help you or not, I do understand.  I have created a Complimentary "10 Minutes to a More Empowered Self" to help you get in touch with your more empowered self at a moment's notice.  Pop your details in the box at the top of the page to receive it within seconds!

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